Aura Negotiation Consulting

Negotiation Consulting

Empowering businesses with holistic negotiation solutions

Aura Negotiation Consulting

Increase negotiation performance sustainably

The best of science and practice

Experts see negotiation skills as one of the most important competencies in the coming decades. At the same time, research shows that the vast majority of negotiations are resolved ineffectively in practice. The good news is that it has been scientifically proven that negotiating can be learned and that using scientific tools significantly improves the negotiation performance.

Through our years of experience in negotiation practice and consulting DAX corporations to SMEs, we know the potential of applying research results that are, above all, easy to understand, tangible and practical. Aura Negotiation Consulting combines practice insights with science in the Aura Concept and supports and advises negotiators and companies holistically in coaching, training and consulting activities. With our expertise, we accompany you on your way to professionally solve complex and difficult negotiation situations and to achieve sustainably better negotiation results.

Structured & Result Oriented

Systematic negotiation success

Our services

Holistic advice and support to optimize negotiation skills


Individual guidance for difficult and complex negotiation situations and personal development


Scientifically based training content with high
practical relevance and easy-to-use tools


Business analysis and targeted measures to improve organizational negotiation activities

Our promise







Client focus




AURA as your partner

Einblick in unsere Grundlagen

Verhandlungen und Orangen –
Was hat das miteinander zu tun?

Ein Exkurs nach Harvard

Zwei Schwestern streiten um eine Orange,
beide wollen sie unbedingt haben,
aber keine will nachgeben.
Wie könnte diese Verhandlungssituation gelöst werden?
Um einen größeren Konflikt zu vermeiden, können die Schwestern die Orange in zwei Hälften teilen.
Ist das eine optimale Verhandlungslösung oder
ein fauler Kompromiss?
Was sind die zugrundeliegenden Interessen der beiden Schwestern?
Eine Schwester benötigt für ihren Saftkuchen den Saft, die andere für ihren Gewürzkuchen die Schale. Die Interessen beider Schwestern widersprechen sich daher nicht.

Sie teilen die Orange harmonisch in Fruchtfleisch und Schale.

Negotiation Insights

Expertenwissen aus Forschung und Praxis