Negotiation Training for Purchasing and Sales
Negotiate successfully and confidently
Our training program for your success
Trainings for purchasing, sales, decision makers and beginners
Strengthen and expand negotiation skills
Our negotiation experts train you for your upcoming difficult and complex negotiations. With the right approach and a concept of simple tools and methods, you can develop a routine that enables you to handle different situations with the right strategy and to appear confident and convincing in your negotiations. Get to know the Aura Concept in our trainings to prepare, conduct and reflect your negotiations in a practical and successful way. Through interactive exercises and discussions in small training groups, you can directly apply the newly acquired knowledge and optimally integrate it into your daily negotiation routine. Our cross-industry and cross-functional trainings also offer you the opportunity to discuss other perspectives on negotiation situations and expand your network.
Improve your negotiation performance and learn...
deal with tough negotiators and diverse
value mindset
to negotiate confidently and professionally.
broaden perspectives
behavior and
avoid pitfalls.
build relationships
to achieve goals
and long-term success.
reach agreements
sustainable and maximize the own outcome.
Our training program
Professional Track
2 days
for beginners and operational negotiators
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Professional Track
Cross-industry and cross-functional
Qualified analysis of negotiation activities and professional preparation, management and reflection of your negotiations
Management Track
2 days
for experienced executives and managers
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Management Track
Cross-industry and cross-functional
Processual optimization of negotiation results and implementation of organizational negotiation strategies
1-2 days
for specific negotiation topics
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Cross-industry and cross-functional
Confident management of new situations and specific know-how on topics such as renegotiations in times of crisis
Training schedule
Open trainings are currently held in German only. All dates can be found here.

Professional Track
Digital I 06.06. – 07.06.2024
Im Professional Track lernen Sie, wie Sie Ihre täglichen Verhandlungsaktivitäten qualifiziert priorisieren und Ihre Verhandlungen professionell vorbereiten, durchführen und reflektieren.

Expert Track: Verhandlungen im digitalen Raum
Digital I 20.06.2024
In diesem Expert Track lernen Sie, wie Sie digitale Medien und virtuelle Verhandlungen gestalten, um bestmögliche Verhandlungsergebnisse zu erzielen. Sie erhalten konkrete Techniken und sofort umsetzbare Vorgehensweisen, um in digitalen Verhandlungen die Oberhand zu behalten.

Expert Track: Umgang mit Krisen und Nachverhandlungen
Digital I 21.06.2024
In diesem Expert Track lernen Sie, wie Sie aus beiden Perspektiven mit Nachverhandlungen umgehen, wie Sie diese erfolgreich überstehen und Methoden, um Nachverhandlungen in Zukunft zu vermeiden.

Management Track
Digital I 14.10. – 15.10.2024
Im Management Track lernen Sie, wie Sie und Ihre Abteilungen prozessual, auf regelmäßiger Basis, bessere Verhandlungsergebnisse erzielen und wie Sie verhandlungsübergreifende strategische Überlegungen in Ihrer Organisation implementieren.

Professional Track
Digital I 11.11. – 12.11.2024
Im Professional Track lernen Sie, wie Sie Ihre täglichen Verhandlungsaktivitäten qualifiziert priorisieren und Ihre Verhandlungen professionell vorbereiten, durchführen und reflektieren.